Elgar Cello Group Class moved from 9/16 to 9/9 at 2:15pm

Mr. Eric has moved this class a week earlier because of a conflict, and all have agreed. Don’t forget to mark your calendar!

Schedule for WB Orientation, Sat. Sept. 9, 2017

Just a reminder – the REQUIRED SA Orientation is on 9/9 at 9am.  Here is the schedule: 9-10am – All parents meet in room 124 for general information. STUDENTS WHO

Greensleeves Info

Practice video from Ms. Julie for part 3: https://youtu.be/gzmD-nFt4zk This is for Harvest Concert-Paganini and Kreisler groups only. Here is how we’ll divide the parts: Violin 3 Markus Charlotte Alex

Pre-Twinkle Viola repertoire recordings

Twinkle Theme Practice Tempo Twinkle Var. A Practice Tempo See Saw Monkey Song on D string Monkey Song on A string Flower Song Dirty Doggie Song D String Concerto A

Viola Group music for 2017 Harvest Concert!

Please click here to download the music: Star Wars for viola group Here is a practice video from Mr. Lionel: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Pg-0P-YqiO4

More Cello Ensemble music for Harvest Concert 2017

Accompaniment parts for Book 1 & 2 pieces. Start memorizing now!! There will be no videos for these parts, as they are short and easy-ish. Please work on them in

Organization accomplished!

The Google Calendar, Group Schedule, Important Dates, and Group Rosters have been posted for the 2017-18 School Year! Please see the top of the home page for links to those

Wilmington Fall 2017 Orientation

Just a reminder that our fall orientation will be on Saturday, September 9 from 9-11am. This will include important details for the year, interesting parent education sessions, and the summer