Cello Graduation Sight Reading Practice examples

If you use the links below, you can download a copy (choose Score/Export on the menu to the left of the screen) and you can have the website play the

Violin Play-In Repertoire for 4/21/18

Violin Play-In Books 1-7 12noon-1:30pm, room 224 Led by Jacob Colby and Rebekah Waggoner REP Twinkles Lightly Row Go Tell Long, Long Ago Perp Motion ****Flop Turn River Gossec Chorus

Important schedule announcement for Sat. 4/21/18

FOR THOSE NOT ATTENDING THE 4/21 CT TRIP There will be NO string groups/theory/or SA orchestras on 4/21.  In lieu, we will be holding Play-Ins for Violins and Celli (no

Important announcement about April 21 Cello Group classes

Ms. Jennifer will be on the Connecticut trip this Saturday, so Mr. Eric and Ms. Rowena will be leading a group class in room 224 from 1:45-2:45 instead. The Haydn