Important information from Ms. Shelley about Fall 2020

Hi All,

I wanted to let you know that we are currently working to plan our fall groups/SA orchs/musicianship classes.  We will be in touch as we get everything worked out.  But please note – there will be BOTH in-person and virtual options for all of our Suzuki Academy offerings in the fall.  It is super helpful if you can let us know your preferences.
1) Musicianship classes will take place virtually at least for first semester (possibily longer).  HOWEVER – we are looking into moving the virtual musicianship classes off Saturdays and likely to Friday afternoon/eve.  Still TBA but it’s in the works.  The only exception will be Cheri’s musicianship classes which are planned to happen live on Saturdays.  There will be a virtual option for Cheri’s classes as well for anyone wanting that possibility.  Also to note – we are adding a keyboarding musicianship class, taught by Ms. Julie, for the levels between what used to be Ms. Julie’s reading classes and Mr. Jacob’s theory classes.  Since the classes will be virtual, students assigned to this class will need a keyboard or piano at home.  Once assignments have been made, if there is financial hardship related to acquiring such, please be in contact with me or Julie privately and we will figure something out to help.  NOTE TO MILFORD STUDENTS – you will be incorporated into all of the WB virtual musicianship classes since travel is not longer a issue.
2) Group classes are scheduled to happen live BUT we will also have virtual options/components for those wanting such.  Please let us know if you are wanting virtual group classes so we can plan accordingly.
3) Recitals are scheduled to happen live BUT we will also have virtual options for those wanting such.
4) SA Orchestra’s are scheduled to happen live BUT again, we will also have virtual options/components for those wanting such.  Virtual participation is also an option for Milford students.
5) Chamber Music – at this point, my plan is to put live groups together and virtual groups together.  The virtual groups will work on video projects with virtual coachings.  So both options will be available.
6) Both First State Fiddlers (bk 3-5) and Brandywine Fiddlers (bk 5+ and by audition only) will happen strictly virtually.  Please contact me asap if you are interested in either of these groups.
5) Parent Orientation will take place on 9/12.  It is scheduled to take place live BUT with a virtual option.  We will be assigning parents to smaller groups instead of meeting altogether.  A large portion of the orientation will be Parent Education.  Please note – Parent Education Class attendance will be required for 20-01 (live or virtual) and it will be tied to graduation.
6) Most/all of the Honors masterclasses will be virtual this year.  I am hoping to use this as a way to hire some really great out of state clinicians.  Just making lemonade out of lemons:).
I hope everyone is having a great summer.  Please let me know if you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions.
Thank you!
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