SA Parent Ed Schedule for Orientation, 9/12/20

Hi All, I can’t believe summer is almost over!  It went so fast yet so slowly this year.  Anyway, we are scrambling to get things ready for the fall.  Given

Sample Student resumé

Here is a resumé that Ms. Shelley created to help students produce their own. If you are asking a teacher for a letter of recommendation, please include a resumé to

Reminder for ALL Suzuki Academy Families

Mandatory orientation meeting for ALL WILMINGTON families on Saturday, Sept. 7 from 9-11am. Please leave students at home if you can. If not, bring something to help them entertain themselves

Parent Support classes begin this week!

Reminder – this Saturday is the first of several special parent ed sessions we will host this year at the music school. 10/6 9-10am Room 123 with Jacob Colby – Tips for Managing

Suggested Reading for Families

Here is a link to a Google Doc with suggested reading for families (Clicking below will take you to the Google Doc):